We kicked off our summer break with our second annual camping trip to Holland, MI in June with a couple friends.

It was a very cold kickoff to the summer. Yes, that is a baby snuggled up with me. He pretty much lives in my moby wrap when we are away from home. :)

Tim and Sean, he's cooking us up some yummy chicken, steak and vegetable kabobs. We eat pretty well when we go camping, huh? :)

Hanging out in the camper, look Logan is not in the moby! He did so well for his first camping trip. He went right to sleep every night and I got to hang out around the fire with the adults. It was great!

And here is the oldest boy, smiling nice. Notice the bundling up. This does not mean we didn't go to the beach, we did! Tim and the guys actually went in the frosty water, they are Polar Bears after all. :)

We watched fireworks at our good friends' house. This is the only picture I have because my batteries died.

End of July, we went to Disney World! We stopped in Metropolis on the way down there and here are our super kids.

Our family with Goofy at the company dinner. We had a great time, it was so neat to be able to take the kids to Disney World!

I had the pleasure of taking Madelynn to a friend's surprise birthday party! It was so great to see her and catch up with her! She is expecting her third child in January (I think).

Closing our summer break with a few days at Grandma's house before she goes back to work. We spent a day visiting Aunt Sarah and swimming with cousins!

Carson had a great time with cousin Nathan, looking at all his Army gear. Nathan gave him an airborne patch which is now one of his greatest treasures.

A day at the park with some friends...

Last, but not least, Logan started solids! This is his first feeding, he had avocado.